Unforgettable Experienced In Maranatha Christian Academy

Teaching young minds is a risk however it is full of excitement and joy. Your patience must be the center of everything, because not all young learners can have your attention and can please you. It is all about how you will handle with their different moods and attitudes.

Having our presentation in the Maranatha Christian Academy was one of my unforgettable experience in my college days. We are so blessed because they are not just an ordinary but one of the well-known school in the Cebu City and yet they let us explore their school. They gave us freedom on how to engage in the real world situation in teaching. They let us show our talents with their learners. Even though that there are many obstacles in having our presentation they still showed a positive moods towards us.

One of the activity that gave me a big challenged was that when we were making a munchkin, the child that I handled was crying and I myself felt tensed because her parents was there and watching us. I felt nervous because the child can’t stop crying and don’t want to finished her activity through by that I asked myself if I am not worth to handle the young children or maybe I need to be more flexible. This experienced helped me to motivate myself to be more an effective and   I realized that as a teacher you should control your emotions and be flexible in handling children.  It was a tiring yet the most fruitful days of my experienced because I ripe many learnings and memories that need to be cherished.

The Journey of my Field Study (Day 7)

I arrived at the Carreta at 7: 00 Am. I directly went to the room and wait the time until they start their class. Since my other classmates don’t have their teachers so they decided to join us together with our Teacher Labus. We are 6 students in one room. Sadly i forgot to took a pictures.

As usual they start their days with their daily routines.

Before they start their discussion Teacher Labus let her pupils to sing their graduation song.

Their topic at that time was “Bullying”. She gives an examples of the different bullying through pictures. As i observed some pupils can already distinguish the different kinds of bullying and they can participate the discussion.I realized that dealing young minds is a risk you must thing first your word or examples that you will give to your learners, because what they may hear or see might they believe that it is true. You are their teacher so they expecting a lot from you.

After the discussion Teacher Labus gives an activity which is coloring. She give an activity where her pupils saw the different pictures of bullying.

I end my observation with full of love and amazed to the young learners and I salute to Teacher Labus who shows and teach me how to handle in the real world of teaching. Thanks for the advice’s and friendly reminders on how to handle the different young learners.

The Journey of my Field Study (Day 6)

My 6th days in the Carreta was good. I arrived at 6:50 AM in the school and i wait 7:15 before i enter in the room. So before they start their discussion they did their daily routine which was singing a National Anthem, Prayers and do some energizers. They start their day singing their graduation song which is entitled “Busy Days”.

Teacher Labus guide her pupils how to sing the busy days song.

As i observed the pupils can already familiar the lyrics and actions. They can perform well.

So their topic at that time was “Responsibility”. Teacher Labus taught her pupils the different kinds of responsibilities and show some pictures as one of the examples.

After their discussion Teacher Labus gave an activity which is the coloring. It was different pictures of responsibilities. She let her pupils colored all the pictures and she make sure that her peoples are learning and enjoying in making their activities.

The Journey of my Field Study (Day 5)

I was arrived in the Carreta Elementary School at 6:50 in the morning. I fixed myself first before I enter in the room, before Teacher Labus started her discussion she prepared her instructional materials. She attached an animal’s pictures in the board. They started their class at exactly 7:30.

They started their class by their daily routine. Singing a National Anthem, do a prayers and energizers. We are the one who provide the energizers we sang a song a London Bridge. The children are very active and enjoy our energizers. Their topic at that time was “Pets” so the teacher used the MTB. She asked the children the different kinds of animals, the children are very participative to their teacher. After their discussion the teacher gave an activity which is coloring the different kinds of animals. As we observed most of the children can already wrote their name and can color well. By 8:30 we asked her permission to sign our field study book and our DTR.

I took some selfie while the pupils are listening to their teacher. 😛
Their are having an energizer.
Teacher Mae was discussed a different kinds of animals
Teacher Mae called some pupils to participate her discussion.
They are making their activity which is the coloring.
One of the unfinished output of the pupils
This child can color well.
So cute.

The Journey of my Field Study (Day 4) Magic

I was arrived at the  Carreta Elementary School around 6:50 in the morning. At 7:15 I decided to go inside in the room. As I enter the room I was politely greet the teacher, children and also the parents. It was my day 4 and I truly feel welcome. I was happy because my teacher was very approachable. Before she start her class I quickly asked if it’s ok to her that I will be asked some questions about the curriculum which is in our field study book so she answered me and then she said that I will get her answer on the next meeting which is Tuesday. So I am so happy and say thank you to her.

They start their class in their daily routine drinking milk, singing the National Anthem, prayers and energizers. Their energizers at that time was that the boom boom dance. The children were enjoyed and participate well. Their topic at that time was that “Parte sa Lawas sa Mananap”. She used the MTB. So before they start she let her pupils to sing the body parts songs so the pupils participate actively. After that she showed to us her IMS it was a big picture of a pig. She said that she had a magic so I was curious if what it is. She call of her pupils to pull out the word and then I was amazed because when the child pull the word which is the name of the body parts of the pig, it change into color I was very enjoyed in her discussion and learn a lot. So I can’t control my feelings and I said to her that I really love her IMS she felt overwhelmed. After her discussion she gave an activity to her pupils which is all about the body parts as I observed the children can do the activity well. We ended our observation with so much amazed to her teaching style.

The Journey of my Field Study (Day 3)

I was arrived at the Carreta Elementary School around 7:00 in the morning,so I hurriedly fixed myself before I enter in the room. Mary Jean and I decided to go inside in the room exactly 7:15 So when we enter in the room the pupils was hold our hands and do some “bless” so we was slightly shocked because it was their first time to do it. Maybe they feel comfortable already with us since it was our 3rd day already and because of that we feel happy.

            As usual they start their class by drinking their free milk. They sang a National Anthem, prayers and do some energizers. Their energizers at that time was that children song and  boom boom song which is the children loved most. They enjoyed it well. Their topic at that time was the “Panimalay sa klaseng klase hayop” she used the MTB during her discussion. The teacher start her class with interesting way she have her big box which the children can guess what is the inside of the box. So each children will get a pictures of an animal’s inside the box and guess where it lived if it is on the air, water or land. As I observed the children are very much enjoyed their activity. They can actively participate in her discussions.  After her discussion she gave an activity which is the different kinds of an animals she let her pupils to color it with the use of the watercolor and their one finger. The pupils are very enjoyed to their activity, the pupils can color well. 

The Journey of my Field Study (Day 2)

I was arrived at the Carreta Elementary School around 6:50 in the morning. The weather was not so good because it was raining as that time. so I decided to fixed myself  first before I enter to my room where I designated since the time of my observation was 7:30. So exactly 7:15 I decided to go inside in the room. So teacher Labus shows her smiles which can help me to eliminate my fears and I feel welcome to her room.

So since it was raining many pupils was not able to go to school early. What I loved most in the Carreta is that they have their everyday free milk so before they start their class they form a line and go to the milk station. They start in their class with the singing of National Anthem, prayers and do some energizers. Their energizers at that time was counting numbers with matching dance it was good because the pupils can energize as well as they can learn to count too. So their topic at that time was  “Mga Kinahanglan sa Tanum” which are the land, water, air and sun. The teachers used the MTB. She discussed it well with her pupils can able to participate during her discussion. After discussed she gave an activity which is the air balloon so she let her pupils to do it by their own and with the help of her. Her pupils do the activity well .After that we took some pictures as evidence their output. So we end our observation at exactly 8:30 in the morning.

The pupils are listening to their teacher.
Pupils outputs.

The Journey of my Field Study (Day 1)

Last February 12 2018 was the 1st day of our field study in Carreta Elementary School. It was a slightly nervous because another new environment that we need to adjust and embrace. The teachers welcomes us with their friendly gestures. The guidance teacher assigned us where we are going to observe and we were 3 in one room. Mary Angel Pingkian and Mary Jean Algusar was my partner in one room so we were assigned in the kindergarten section wisdom and the teacher was Ms. Hemariz Mae Labus. Teacher Labus welcomes in a nice way she is very sweet teacher. She is freshly hired in the DepEd she said to us that she is not an ECE graduate but the Deped assigned her in the preschool and she embrace the challenge. It was her first time handling young learners and I myself amaze her because even if she don’t have experience she can able to handle her young learners and I observe that she did her best in teaching her pupils. Her room was not in complete materials because she start from nothing any things that inside in her room was came from her and she’s the one who fund it and we are very amazed of that. Before they start their class they have their feeding which is drinking milk and it was good. They started their class at exactly 7:30 in the morning with the singing of the National Anthem and next was the prayer and do some energizers. Their topic at that day was “MGA PARTE SA TANUM” she used the MTB so by that the pupils can understand well.  After she discussed she gave an activity which is the coloring. Her pupils can color well in the pictures that she given. So we end our observation at exactly 8:30 in the morning.

Pangasinan the heartland of the Philippines!

photo credit: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwj2zc6Sl6vgAhXHzLwKHWL6CgAQjhx6BAgBEAM&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.travextravels.com%2F2013%2F05%2Ftara-falls-bolinao.html&psig=AOvVaw1kYgapd04Ojbk5r50imwTj&ust=1549682369521950

photo credit: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwj2zc6Sl6vgAhXHzLwKHWL6CgAQjhx6BAgBEAM&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.travextravels.com%2F2013%2F05%2Ftara-falls-bolinao.html&psig=AOvVaw1kYgapd04Ojbk5r50imwTj&ust=1549682369521950
photo credit://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwi028KWmKvgAhUKUbwKHbXnBCQQjhx6BAgBEAM&url=https%3A%2F%2Fnewsinfo.inquirer.net%2F682656%2Fpangasinan-hosts-oldest-churches&psig=AOvVaw0oxhjNP-Al5HwqQRIrqll-&ust=1549682724415964

  I was born in the Malibong Urbiztondo Pangasinan. It is my mothers place. Even if i left in this place at my young age i can still remember the beauty and being sweetness of the people around there. Above these are the pictures that one of our proudest place that you need to visit.
Pangasinan is a province of the Republic of the Philippines. The provincial capital is Lingayen. Pangasinan is located on the western area of the island of Luzon along the 
Lingayen Gulf and West Philippine Sea. 
The name Pangasinan means “land of salt” or “place of salt-making”; it is derived from the prefix pang, meaning “for”, the root word asin, meaning “salt”, and suffix an, signifying “location.” The province is a major producer of salt in the Philippines. Dagupan City is known for its bangus or “milkfish” festival, named after the fish that has made the city famous.
Pangasinan occupies a strategic geo-political position in the central plain of Luzon, known as the rice granary of the Philippines. Pangasinan has been described as a gateway to northern Luzon and as the heartland
of the Philippines.